dont like hacks? keep updating

dont like hacks? keep updating

If itDoesCompute seems a little broken – its cause it is.

It seems you cant be sleepy, something I already knew, but due to work load and thinking yeah itll be okay, I left myself open for those lovely spammy rank seeking hacker advertisers. More details later, and some tips and info one main thing though, dont try everything you read!!! Do not change permissions on your wp-admin folder to 644. Cool maybe no one else can get in and have their way with your files – but neither can you! I learned this the hard way. Verify what you read before acting, and use common sense. Heres a little analogy for you: I dont want randoms to get into my house – think theyve got the key – ill change the lock, thatll keep them out! Only thing I forgot to ket the new key for myself. Oooops. Gonna have to smash a window (Chat to help quick smart!) and start again.

Update your wordpress and plugins. Do it now.