Had a few people ask about this so thought I’d make a tutorial. “Updating a post in WordPress”. Just in case you forget, here’s something to refer back to:
1. go to your posts list (posts – click on All Posts):
2. Click on ‘Edit’ below the title of the post:
3. This is what the ‘edit post’ screen of the post will look like:
4. And if you click [Preview Changes] the page will currently look like this on the web:
5. Add the text you want (we are currently in [Visual] edit mode):
7. We’ll add another Keyword (scroll down till you see Keywords (comma separated) “wet paint,” *always add a coma(,) after the word to separate the keywords.
8. Triple click in the Keywords box to highlight all the keywords blue, and copy (Ctrl + C or right click and copy):
9. Then paste into the tag section (forgot this first time around! ctrl+V or Right Click and Paste) *Keywords are for Google searches, tags are for website searches*
10. Click on [Add]
11. Scroll up a bit and click on [Update] then when the page has refreshed, click on [Preview Changes] to check everything is as it should be on the web.
Yep looks fine!
You may also want to update the image in the post and the featured image:
Post image update:
1. In [Visual] edit mode, click on the image in the page, holder marks will appear (in pink here), then click on [Add Media]
2. In the window that appears click on ‘Upload Files’ and drag the new photo onto the screen that appears
3. The new image appears in our media library. Triple click in the title box to higlight it blue and copy into the Alt Text (alternative name – just in case the image doesnt appear on the viewers screen they’ll see its name) box.
**actually dont have to do this step in the latest version of wordpress-it does it automatically!!**
4. Click on [Insert into post]
5. Back in the post edit screen we can see the new image. Don’t forget to click on [Update]!
Featured image update:
1. The featured image appears in searches and archive searches and represents the post (which may contain many photos). To update first click on ‘Remove featured image’
2. Then ‘Set featured image’
3. Select the image we uploaded for the page (or your choice!) and click [Set featured image]
4. Scroll up and click [Update]