Recently completed a transfer/ website re-design for Baby Guerrilla the paste up / street artist whose works you can see around the inner suburbs of Melbourne especially Footscray, East Brunswick, Brunswick, Fitzroy, Maribyrnong even Ringwood (check new Eastland re-development) flying high above it all off on their dreamy adventures…
It was to be kept as much as possible like the old website which was on so I used the export feature found under >Tools in the dashboard to save the database info as an .xml file and then once and the new database had been set up & functioning, and the nameservers re-pointed I imported the .xml file.
The site now has images and excerpts for all the posts with the content views plugin, supsystic grid gallery plugin for displaying her street art, installations, paintings, drawings, and mixed media, and is now with a few theme hacks and @media queries for the first time mobile/device friendly.
Be sure to look up when you’re wondering the streets, daydreaming, off on missions…
Thanks for letting me help you with your site Baby Guerrilla!